The following procedures have been tested with Minikube. They may partially work with other Kubernetes instances like IBM Cloud Lite Kubernetes Cluster or K3d.
When you install Istio on a Kubernetes Cluster, the Istio Ingress is created with a Kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer. In a production Kubernetes installation, a LoadBalancer would have a public IP address assigned to it so that it can be reached from the Internet:
Local installations like Minikube typically don’t have the ability to do this. Check the Istio Ingress service with the following command:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <pending> 15021:32561/TCP,80:30169/TCP,443:30629/TCP,31400:30606/TCP,15443:32011/TCP 97m
Notice the type LoadBalancer and the <pending>
for the external IP address.
There are NodePorts for HTTP (e.g. 80:30169) and HTTPS (e.g. 443:30629) that can be used to access the Istio Ingress externally together with a Kubernetes workernode IP address (minikube ip
We will later use a Minikube feature to simulate a LoadBalancer (minikube tunnel
Our Minikube cluster doesn’t hava a public IP address and you probably don’t own an Internet domain and also don’t want to pay money to register a domain just for this workshop.
But we can still create a “self-signed” TLS certificate if we want to explore how to create a secure Istio Ingress.
You need the CLI openssl
to do so. It should be installed on your Linux or macOS, already. It is not installed by default on Windows, the OpenSSL Wiki has multiple sources. If you do not want to install openssl
, there are ready to use certificates in the deployments/TLS
Root Certificate (.crt) and Private Key (.key) for k8s.local
This step makes k8s.local
a Certificate Authority (CA).
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=DHBW/CN=k8s.local' -keyout k8s.local.key -out k8s.local.crt
CN=Common Name=URL (k8s.local), O=Organization (DHBW)
-> Root Certificate is file k8s.local.crt (public)
-> Root Key is file k8s.local.key (private)
Server Certificate and Key for demo.k8s.local
Create a Server Key und Certificate Signing Request (.csr)
openssl req -out demo.k8s.local.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout demo.k8s.local.key -subj "/CN=demo.k8s.local/O=demo organization"
-> Certificate Signing Request: demo.k8s.local.csr (intermediate)
-> Server Key: demo.k8s.local.key (private)
Combine CSR and Root Certificate to create a Server Certificate, will be signed with the Root Key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA k8s.local.crt -CAkey k8s.local.key -set_serial 0 -in demo.k8s.local.csr -out demo.k8s.local.crt
-> Server Certificate: demo.k8s.local.crt (public)
Create Kubernetes TLS Secret from Server Key and Certificate The Pod that represents the Istio Ingress gateway runs in the istio-system namespace. The Ingress gateway needs the Servers (private) key and (public) certificate to handle TLS requests. They are stored on Kubernetes in form of a secret of type TLS.
The following command creates a TLS secret named demo-credential
in the istio-system namespace:
kubectl create -n istio-system secret tls demo-credential --key=demo.k8s.local.key --cert=demo.k8s.local.crt
The Istio Ingress Gateway service and pod are running in the istio-system namespace. The pod needs access to the secret hence it must be created in the istio-system namespace.
The file istio-ingress-tls.yaml contains both definitions.
kind: Gateway
name: default-gateway-ingress
namespace: default
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 443
name: https
protocol: HTTPS
mode: SIMPLE
credentialName: demo-credential
- "demo.k8s.local"
It defines that it handles requests for (hosts) demo.k8s.local
using “simple” TLS (only the server is authenticated by a cerificate) on port 443, HTTPS.
This Gateway definition basically allows to direct requests for a specific host via HTTPS to services in the default namespace.
Those services in the default namespace are defined with Traffic Rules in a VirtualService definition:
kind: VirtualService
name: virtualservice-ingress
- "demo.k8s.local"
- default-gateway-ingress
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /auth
- destination:
number: 8080
host: keycloak
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /articles
- destination:
number: 8081
host: web-api
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /
- destination:
number: 80
host: web-app
The VirtualService definition for this Gateway (default-gateway-ingress) uses rules to map specific paths/URIs for host demo.k8s.local
to 3 different services that do not exist at the moment, we will create them later. If you look at the YAML file above, you can see the 3 “match” rules, they are all based on the “hosts” definition:
“https://demo.k8s.local/auth” routes to the keycloak
service on port 8080
“https://demo.k8s.local/articles” routes to the web-api
service on port 8081
“https://demo.k8s.local”, the root (‘/’) without a path, routes to the web-app
service on port 80, this is the service that delivers the frontend app to the browser
Both definitions are created with
kubectl apply -f istio-ingress-tls.yaml
Ignore the warnings, the required services are not installed, yet.
Open another terminal session, change to the istio-1-24-2 directory, and enter the following command:
bin/istioctl dashboard kiali
This will open the Kiali dashboard in your default browser.
Check the Istio configuration for namespace: Default.
Notice the warning (yellow exclamation mark) for the VirtualService. The VirtualService definition references 3 Kubernetes services that do not exist at the moment.
The Istio Gateway and VirtualService definitions can be used with the Istio Ingress NodePort.
But Minikube allows to assign a unique IP address to each Kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer. Istio Ingress service is of type LoadBalancer.
I am not able to test this on Windows, though, so please give this method a try first. If minikube tunnel
fails for you, continue with Step 3b: Expose Istio Ingress via NodePort.
In another new terminal session enter the command
minikube tunnel
minikube tunnel
runs as a process, creating a network route on the host to the service … using the cluster’s IP address as a gateway. The tunnel command exposes the external IP directly to any program running on the host operating system.
Linux, Mac: The command requires root rights (sudo) because it creates a network configuration. Windows: Run PowerShell as Administrator in elevated mode.
Output (will repeat every few seconds):
machine: minikube
pid: 105248
route: ->
minikube: Running
services: [istio-ingressgateway]
minikube: no errors
router: no errors
loadbalancer emulator: no errors
Determine the Istio Ingress external IP address
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 15021:32561/TCP,80:30169/TCP,443:30629/TCP,31400:30606/TCP,15443:32011/TCP 4h37m
The external IP address (used to be <pending>
) is now:
Edit your hosts file (instructions for Windows, Mac, Linux), this requires root rights, and add the IP address you found in the previous step and the host name (‘demo.k8s.local’). On bwLehrpool you can use sudo nano /etc/hosts
## Minikube demo.k8s.local
In the future our web application can be accessed on your notebook with the URL https://demo.k8s.local
Continue with 4 - Setup Keycloak
These instructions should be used in cases where minikube tunnel
fails. The Istio Ingress Gateway can be accessed using its Nodeport, too. This is not as elegant since you need to add the correct Nodeport every time to URLs used.
Get the Minikube IP address
minikube ip
Result, e.g.:
Enter this IP address into hosts (Linux, mac: /etc/hosts; Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) demo.k8s.local
Example Windows:
Determine the https-Nodeport:
NP=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].nodePort}')
echo $NP
Result, e.g.:
Ingress URL:
echo "https:\\\demo.k8s.local:$NP"
Result, e.g.:
In the future our web application can be accessed on your notebook with this URL.
Continue with 4 - Setup Keycloak