Security and Microservices


1 - Setup the work environment
2 - Setup Istio
3 - Istio Ingress gateway via HTTPS/TLS
4 - Setup Keycloak
5 - Deploy the microservices to K8s
6 - Strict mTLS
7 - Istio Authorization
8 - Authentication in the Vue.js fronted
9 - Authorization in Quarkus app
Setup locally

4 - Setup Keycloak

These setup instructions are based on Keycloak - Guide - Keycloak on Kubernetes.

The instructions go into installing an Ingress for Keycloak. But we have Istio installed and we will be using the Istio Ingress to access Keycloak externally. The original keycloak.yaml is modified and the NodePort has been removed.

Note: This is a “ephemeral” installation of Keycloak, there is no database used for persistence. Sufficient for a workshop but not suitable for production use!

Step 1: Deploy Keycloak

kubectl apply -f keycloak.yaml

Step 2: Wait until the Keycloak Pod is started

kubectl get pods

It takes some time for the pod to start. Notice that there are two containers in the pod, one for Keycloak itself, the other is the Istio Envoy proxy:

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
keycloak-5c7b8b7c4c-l7j4f   2/2     Running   0          3m6s

Continue when both containers are ready.

Step 3: Access Keycloak

Open the Keycloak URL in your browser:


You will have to accept the security risk in your browser, we are using a self-signed certificate!

Note: This URL will work because we created a VirtualService in the previous exercise that maps the ‘/auth’ URI to the Keycloak service.

Step 4: Try to logon to Keycloak

Step 5: Create realm

For the workshop we need our pre-configured realm.

In the Keycloak console, hover with your mouse pointer over “Master” in upper left corner.

add realm 1

Click on the blue “Add realm” button that appears.

add realm 2

Click on “Select file” and import the “quarkus-realm.json” file from the deployments directory.

The name will be “quarkus”, the “Create” button will be enabled. Click on “Create”.

Note: If you stop Minikube (maybe you want to continue tomorrow?) and later start it again, the Keycloak pod will be recreated. Our setup doesn’t use a database for persistence, hence the imported realm will be gone and the rest of the sample application will not start since it cannot retrieve data from Keycloak. You will need to repeat Step 5 of these instructions and then wait for the sample app to restart.

Step 6: Verify the newly created realm

Try to create an access token:

curl -d "username=alice" -d "password=alice" -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=frontend" --insecure https://demo.k8s.local/auth/realms/quarkus/protocol/openid-connect/token  | sed -n 's|.*"access_token":"\([^"]*\)".*|\1|p'

Result looks like this:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1909  100  1841  100    68   9792    361 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10154

Note: The long block of cryptic text is a Jason Web Token (JWT) for user ‘alice’ created by Keycloak.

Continue with 5 - Deploy the microservices to Kubernetes